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Safe Sport

Sign up for Safe Sport Training! 

Parents will receive their volunteer point for completing the training. For those families with athletes 13-17, you will also earn a point for your athlete taking their training.
Please email Crystal Holsinger at once your training is complete.

  • For Parents: December 6, 8 p.m. ET | Register

  • For Athletes: December 7, 8 p.m. ET | Register

  • For Coaches: December 8, 3 p.m. ET | Register

If you have any questions contact

Safe Sport webpage and additional resources

  1. U.S. Center for SafeSport reporting phone number: 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233). Deal with a Safe Sport Concern

  2. U.S. Center for Safe Sport to make a report.  Use the online reporting form, call 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233). or find more information at

Team Sopris Staff Roster

     Safe Sport Coordinators

      Board Members

  • Kayo Ogliby

  • Cristi Newton

  • Amber Frisbie

  • Tiffany Lindenberg


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